I FIND I must reply to the brazen cheek of our local Conservative Member of Parliament, Alun Cairns, when over the last few months he has done his utmost to blame all the cuts in local services on anyone but himself.

Perhaps he should consider the facts. Most if not all of these draconian cuts in local services throughout the United Kingdom emanate from the policy decisions being followed by this Tory/Lib Dem Government.

I know that the vast majority of his constituents will not be conned by his crocodile tears while blatantly voting for the cuts whenever he takes his seat in parliament.

If he does not listen to me then perhaps the words of the chairman of the Local Government Association, Conservative Councillor Sir Merrick Cockell, when responding to the Westminster Governments 2015/16 public spending round will convince him:

“This cut will stretch essential services to breaking point in many areas… Today’s 10% real terms cut comes on top of the 33% real terms cut already made to Council budgets and confirms local government as the hardest hit part of the public sector. Local services on which people rely will have to be significantly reduced as a result. No area of spending can be totally immune and some services will be wound down entirely.

It’s disappointing that a feudal approach still exists in relation to local government funding. Vital services are being damaged because councils do not have a seat at the table to negotiate a fair deal for local communities.”

Cllr Rob Curtis

Labour Councillor for the Gibbonsdown Ward

Vale of Glamorgan Council.