I JUST can’t think straight,

For all those papers I so hate,

Every day through my door,

A pile of junk mail – more and more.

Forms to fill – not one but three

Keeping jobs for the powers that be!

I’m always mislaying some blessed one,

If it wasn’t so frustrating it would be fun.

Can’t keep track there are so many,

Wish for each one I had a penny.

I think there’s someone up on high,

As puzzled over these papers – I sigh.

Laughing their heads off with glee,

Creating more work for poor old me.

Such a waste for you and me,

And each council employee,

Collecting, then turning once more

To paper – back as before!

How much simple life used to be,

When until very recently,

A small file to store would do,

Now needing a cupboard or two.

Sorry for teachers, no time their

Knowledge to pupils show,

Form-filling each day to overflow.

This in every office, home and store,

As the PTB dream up more and more.

A waste of material, money, and time too.

That’s my sincere point of view.

As for the threat of global warming,

This could be a severe warning.