PAGE 16 Penarth Times September 11. In a previous letter to the Penarth Times I shouldn't have poked fun at the crime figures by saying they’d be more accurate if multiplied by the square root of an armadillo, the situation is obviously beyond satire. If there is no enquiry into minor crimes then it’s not surprising we’ve been told anything about the infamous events at Cosmeston.

Unfortunately all this justifies the apathy at the polls on selecting the police commissioners; the majority of the electorate quite rightly saw it as an inconvenience as there would be no difference.

Like many others though I feel the lack of investigation into events at Cosmeston has its roots in forthcoming elections where dependency on votes outweighs the success of an enquiry and prosecution, a similar situation to Rochdale, I’d imagine.

On a lighter note can readers enlighten us on what is a “Zombie Survival Course” on Sully Island? Is it something you d be sent on after joining a local political party or have to pass before submitting a job application in the public services/local government?

G Brookman

Westbourne Road
