ON the surface the statistics regarding crimes look very impressive, but we live in an age where anything we’re told from “weapons of mass destruction”, “global warming”, “immigration”, “Tesco accounting” deserves further scrutiny, we can no longer take things at face value.

In a previous edition of the Penarth Times the inspector of constabulary raised an issue about crimes, in last week’s Penarth Times it appeared that things couldn't be better with up to 100 per cent attendance records.

What does an “attendance” result in? An offender taken to court and convicted for every offence or it could mean that an officer “attends” and no one is ever caught.

What is the percentage of all these crimes where an offender is taken to court and convicted? Surely that should be the measure of success, not just a knock on the door and a cursory visit with no result.

G Brookman

Westbourne Road
