I AM writing to give a few words of encouragement to all your readers in Penarth who have made New Year’s resolutions to get fitter and healthier in 2015.

If you’re reading this and looking for inspiration to stick to your resolutions then you might be surprised to learn that up to 80 per cent of Type 2 diabetes cases could be delayed or prevented by making important lifestyle changes. Getting fit and active is a great way of helping to reduce your risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.

Don’t be put off by feeling the need to join a gym or buy expensive exercise equipment that you may never use. Why not make a start on that household DIY project that you’ve been planning? You could even make a pledge to walk up the stairs instead of taking the lift when you’re out and about or to walk to the local shop instead of driving.

Making small changes to your diet can also have a positive impact on your health. You could challenge yourself to try out a new healthy recipe once a week or swap your mild cheese for a stronger alternative, meaning that you can use less of it in your cooking without losing the flavour. There are lots of delicious, healthy recipes, food swaps and advice on ways of getting active that will suit your lifestyle on our website, www.diabetes.org.uk.

Making manageable changes that fit into your routine can benefit your waistline and can be a lot easier to stick to. Make the simple changes that can improve your health this year and for the rest of your life.

Good luck.

Dai Williams

National Director

Diabetes UK Cymru