I WRITE to offer my sincere thanks to Cllr Anthony Ernest, who according to the Penarth Times, has called on the Vale Council to “sort out” obstructions along the seafront.

Cllr Ernest is said to have raised concerns with the council about the “continuing disruption” along the pavement on the Esplanade. Better late than never, councillor.

Regular readers may recall my series of letters sent way back in 2012 when the Beachcliff buildings sat desolate, as if waiting for a wave to sweep them away into the Severn Estuary. I have long argued that Penarth’s seafront is one of its unique selling points.

Visitors from across Wales are attracted by the panoramic views, promenade and crisp sea air. But unsightly eyesores - such as the sporadic blue hoardings and steel fencing that remains in situ outside Beachcliff - put paid to what was once a leisurely stroll.

True, the buildings are, at least in part, occupied now, but it remains something of a mystery as to how this blight on our landscape was ever allowed to happen.

I don’t for a minute doubt there were very good reasons for the closure of business and proposed change of use. That is for the owners to decide.

But surely there was a polished plan and subsequent timetable to which to adhere?

The Beachcliff development was given the green light by planners in 2007. So take note, Cllr Ernest and Chums. Penarth has suffered at the hands of whoever it was you allowed to rip up our seafront for far longer than the “best part of two years” quoted last week.

The Esplanade is the jewel in Penarth’s crown. It is high time town and borough councillors made this sorry sight their priority.

Three cheers to Cllr Ernest for raising an issue that has been left to drift for eight years. Some of the world's tallest buildings have been developed quicker.

John Guy

Dinas Road
