THE Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is a secretive agreement being negotiated by the EU and United States right now.

If they get away with implementing it, TTIP risks weakening European laws that protect our health and the environment.

It would also give foreign companies the power to sue governments - in secret courts - if their policies risked damaging a company’s ability to make profit: big multi-national businesses could sue the UK if they don’t like our laws.

The TTIP is a terrible deal - but most people have never heard of it.

Saturday, August 22 is TTIP Day of Action. This is a Europe-wide demonstration of opposition to TTIP, when those opposed to this erosion of our democratic and legal systems will be campaigning to raise awareness of the dangers presented by TTIP and to make it very clear to politicians that they won’t be able to get it past us.

On Saturday morning, in Penarth there will be a stall on Windsor Road, near the Windsor Arcade.

Come along and find out about TTIP. Come along and sign a petition against the implementation of TTIP.

Alan Armstrong
