I ADORE the grand circular sky greeting me

At Penarth beach on this April morn

With the high-tide slurping up the steps

Leading to the famous pebbled shore

Now engulfed by a watery cloak

As a soft wind caresses my brow.

The sun breaks through grey clouds and speaks of spring

I hear seagulls and distant church bells ring.

It is nine o’clock on a Friday morning

And the esplanade is eerily silent

With just an elderly man looking out to sea

Remembering the days of his youth.

The sun brings a welcome warmth

And adds silver to the blue and grey water.

There are the colours a painter would adore

Who am I to ask for anything more?

Logs drift casually on the tide

In the distance Flat and Steep Holm

With cumulus clouds framing the horizon

As if the ghost of Mount Everest.

I’m relieved to be free from the stress

Down in the claustrophobic city

You could change your world-view relaxing here

On a bench by the splendid Penarth Pier.

Guy Fletcher

