THERE appear to be dazzling silver stars

In a sea of light blue on this hot day.

Impotent waves sizzle on pebbles

And it’s still early on the Sunday morn

Owners letting their dogs run free

And as an old lady stares from a wheelchair

Lazy snow-white clouds slowly drift on by

In the azure heavens where seagulls fly.

The splendidly restored grey and white pier

Slumbers under a soporific sun

And now people stroll down the wooden boardwalk

Or relax outside the Pavilion cafe

Viewing the calm late spring channel

Where they can see blue sails by the pier.

This is a perfect place to spend the day.

For a while packing all troubles away.

Fishermen cast rods out to sea

As I wander past the red telephone box

And flowerbed with a rainbow of hues

Softly swaying in the morning breeze

As I imagine your ghost by my side

How you adored this beautiful place.

But as crowds gather it is time for me

To take one last glance at the Whitsun sea.

Guy Fletcher

