LETTER addressed to Stephen Doughty. Thank you for your email with all news of your very busy schedule.

Well done on all of that, however, I absolutely deplore the fact that you and numbers of your colleagues are not interested in the democratically decided issue of leaving Europe. This has been decided, as I say, by the people of this country.

It is your job to represent your constituents, not to put your own agenda forward.

Theresa May is doing a first-class job in setting Brexit in motion. How can she secure the best deals for this country, if all her bargaining ploys are common knowledge?

All the remainers, particularly those with an axe to grind, are doing this country a great disservice, by trying to delay, or even overturn, the will of the electorate. The doom and gloom forecasters seem not to want to recognise the improvements already made, employment figures, exports, etc. There is a whole world out there, just waiting to do business with us. I also can’t imagine that Europe wants to lose our business, or tourists from Great Britain.

Large manufacturers here have announced expansions since the referendum. We need to keep up the momentum by getting on and actually leaving what was really only ever meant to be the Common Market. Please remember you are there to represent us.

Judith Maynard

Fairfield Road
