I’VE been living in the Plymouth Ward for the past 33 years and cllrs Ernest and Williams have been the councillors for the district council for the majority of that time.

I’m afraid that they have served too long in their positions and am relieved that the local Conservative party have seen fit to deselect both.

There surely comes a time when the well of energy for a job gets close to running dry, particularly when faced with life as a senior citizen.

I found that myself, after spending nearly 40 years of my life in private practice as a solicitor. You tend to lose your edge, the memory is not so sharp and the enthusiasm and the love for the job inevitably diminishes.

Although experience counts for a lot, it is outweighed in time by these other features of life. Then you should accept that it is time to move over and allow someone younger to take over.

In all my years as a rate/council taxpayer I have never sought to trouble any councillor until late last year.

Over the years the Vale council has permitted a nursing home, situated opposite my home, to grow to such an extent that it is now the largest commercial development in town. No consideration was given to the parking problem that this would generate in the area. The neighbours of the development are now faced with Lower Plymouth Road converted into a substantial off road car parking facility to service the nursing home. Apart from driveways being blocked, driving along the road has inevitably become more hazardous.

I did try to communicate with cllrs Williams and Ernest about this problem. There was no response from the former and although cllr Ernest wrote to say he would be investigating, nothing further has been heard.

Maybe they feel that the concern expressed is frivolous but I feel that it indicates a complacency which comes from being far too long in office and taking constituents too much for granted.

Robert Edwards

Plymouth Road
