MR ROBERT Edwards, in last week’s Letters, takes a somewhat jaundiced view of myself whilst, of course, he is actually complaining about is a localised parking issue outside his home, in the Lower Plymouth Road area, and the failure as he sees it for of anything being done by the councils.

But perhaps we can examine his concerns – the essence is of visitors to, and staff of, a large nursing home that lies near his residence, and what can be done to eliminate visitors parking near his home when calling on their loved ones.

It is true that Mr Edwards sent me an email late last year, which I duly acknowledged.

Unfortunately, Mr Edwards omitted to give his address or telephone number, which did not make it easy to communicate with him in person, and I replied asking him for that information which I never received.

On the wider issue however, I have not had any direct responsibilities for traffic issues for at least five years, as Penarth is not consulted over such matters.

I have had a direct responsibility for planning issues, and there have been several applications from the home concerned for “enlargement” of its premises.

I must ask where was Mr Roberts when those applications came up for debate – he did not write to or contact me with any concerns about parking by staff or visitors at the time, although he would have been contacted by the Vale Council asking if he had any observations to make.

I have no record of any telephone calls to me by this gentleman expressing concerns.

So I can only assume that Mr Edwards was at the time, content with the planning proposals, as he did not see fit to raise an enquiry of myself.

To allow that to colour his present thinking of my abilities is not only ingenious but also inaccurate.

Councillors need thick skins, but perhaps to also to receive recognition when they do get some things right.

Cllr Anthony Ernest
