THE Vale of Glamorgan council pays the highest amount of money in funding care home residents in Wales, according to a GMB survey.

Out of the 20 councils who responded to the survey, the Vale was found to pay the highest amount of money to care home owners for residents who qualify for their costs to be covered.

A GMB congress in Nottingham was told that the Vale pays a maximum of £524 per week for residents who qualify, which is still below the care sector's "fair cost" ideal of £600

Justin Bowden, National Officer for workers in the care sector, said: “The time is long overdue for politicians of all parties to face up to the social care funding crisis.

"This political choice is not acceptable. It is adversely affecting the vulnerable and the GMB members who care for them.

"The fair cost of care model developed with the Rowntree Foundation sets the figure at £600 per week. The vast majority of councils pay way below that.

"If £600 per week is what is needed to provide decent care for our elderly and vulnerable, provided by fairly paid staff, then that is what should be paid.

"National Government has a duty to provide councils with the resources to do this."