VAUGHAN Gething recently visited the Cardiff and the Vale Marie Curie hospice.

The AM for Cardiff South and Penarth was at the Bridgeman Road hospice on Friday, June 12, to learn about how people with terminal illnesses are cared for in the constituency.

He met patients who told him about the high quality of care that was offered by the hospice.

Mr Gething was given a tour of the premises by the hospice manager Paul Elson and afterwards met volunteers looking to increase awareness of the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) programme offered by Marie Curie.

Vaughan Gething AM said: “We know that more and more people survive cancer and other serious illnesses now.

"However, sadly we also know that some people won’t recover but the end of life care that they receive can make a huge difference to them and their families.

"I’m very proud of the high quality end of life care and support that Marie Curie provides with their focus on dignity and choice for the individual.

"It’s a pleasure to have the Marie Curie hospice based in my constituency.”

Mr Gething was told about the ongoing campaign to improve the services and support offered by the care home.

Simon Jones, director of Policy and Public Affairs for Marie Curie, said: “We were pleased to be able to welcome Vaughan Gething to the Marie Curie Cardiff & the Vale Hospice today and share our work and future goals.

"It is important to the charity that key political figures such as the Mr Gething understand the core values of Marie Curie’s work, and it is great that our local Assembly Member continues to take such a vested interest in what we do here at the hospice and in homes and communities in other parts of Wales.”