Republican protest

Washington, Thursday - Mr Borah, Republican Senator of Idaho, addressing the Senate on the proposal to internationalise the German Colonies, opposed the United States assisting any obligation to control or govern German possessions, and declared that Australia, in demanding the German Islands in the Pacific, was asserting a Monroe doctrine of its own. He argued that the United States, as a member of the League of Nations, should no more interfere with Monroe doctrines of Australia, Japan or any other countries than they should interfere with the Monroe doctrines of America.

Berlin paralysed - A catastrophe imminent

Amsterdam, Thursday - Under the heading, "A catastrophe is imminent", "Verwaerts" says the present situation in Berlin cannot continue. A hundred thousand are unemployed. The train service is practically at a standstill, together with most of the great industries of the city owing to the shortage of coal. The bakeries are also closed down for the same reason. If the miners do not resume work immediately nothing can save us from the worst of catastrophes.

Rioting at Glasgow

Our Glasgow correspondent telegraphs in connection with the Glasgow strike that there have been riotous scenes in St George's Square, and a baton charge by the police. The mounted police are out. Several persons have been injured, and several arrests have been made.

Labour position - coal trimmers ask for increase

Boilermakers' deadlock

It is feared in many quarters that the dispute between the boilermakers and employers in South Wales is likely to be one of considerable duration. Contrary to expectations the meeting, which it was understood was arranged to take place between representatives of the men and employers at Cardiff on Thursday, did not come about. The boilermakers of Newport privately met at their institute on Friday morning, but no decision was come to, the men being bound to acquiesce with the decisions of their leaders, so that the position remains the same, that of a complete deadlock.

Coal trimmers moving

There was a movement among the coal trimmers of South Wales to increase their percentage to 100, and the principle of the eight hour day has been adopted. The position in that the trimmers are at present receiving 80 per cent, over and above the agreed tariff.