A GREAT BIG green day is taking place in Penarth this weekend.

All are welcome to The Kymin on Saturday, September 24, to celebrate local green projects and environmental action as part of a nationwide campaign to encourage positive change.

With community stalls, a Good Mood Food workshop, and kids’ activities between 10am and 2pm, it's a chance for the community to come together and find out about local projects including:

  • Penarth Growing Community;
  • Penarth Tree Forum;
  • Benthyg Penarth;
  • Plastic Free Penarth;
  • Gwyrddio Penarth Greening, and more.

The day is part of Great Big Green Week, a nationwide climate action campaign, taking place between September 24 and October 2, which will see thousands of people across the UK organising festivals and events.

The campaign aims to draw attention to climate change and destruction of the natural world, while also making a connection with these issues in communities like Penarth. It also actions to tackle climate change.

Sally Hughes, organising the Penarth event, said:

“I want to see progress on tackling climate change because I care about what kind of future my child will grow up in, and I think there's a lot we can all do to protect our children's future.”

Richard Parry, from Friends of the Kymin, added: “The climate emergency is fully upon us; the weather and temperature changes have begun.

“It is now time to take up fully our responsibility to make changes to our lives and culture. Politicians, local and national, can't do this alone. They need all of us to work with them as we seek justice for the communities of the world and the health and flourishing of the natural planet that is our home.

“For us, that means making significant changes in our town, supporting national exploration and change, and campaigning for swift international action in response to these remarkable and overwhelming emergencies."

The Great Big Green Week is being organised by The Climate Coalition, the UK’s largest group of people dedicated to action against climate change, whose members include:

  • The National Trust;
  • WWF;
  • Women's Institute;
  • Oxfam;
  • RSPB.

Other organisations supporting the campaign include BT, British Mountaineering Council, and the Manchester United Foundation.