A PENARTH-based doctor has gone to the extent of setting up a new healthcare business to help women through the menopause.

Dr Jayne Forrester-Paton says a lack of awareness and funding for menopause care has led to women struggling with debilitating symptoms, getting misdiagnosed and even incorrectly refused appropriate treatment.

Dr Forrester-Paton described the nightmare scenarios of women offered anti-depressants as a quick-fix solution or attending appointments without getting answers they need.

Now she has taken the problem into her own hands by setting up a new menopause clinic on Stanwell Road.

For £250 Penarth women can get an initial consultation that provides personal and holistic care for perimenopause and menopause without the need for a referral.

Dr Forrester-Paton said too often women can’t get the help they may desperately need.

“Unfortunately, women can struggle to access accurate advice, support and treatment when they need it most,” said Dr Forrester-Paton. “Too often, women are misdiagnosed or refused treatment for the wrong reasons.

“A woman can experience everything from hot flushes and night sweats to weight gain, vaginal dryness, anxiety, brain fog, low mood, and even suicidal thoughts. Everyone’s experience will be different and the symptoms can creep up gradually and it can take time to recognise what is happening.”

Penarth Times:

(The clinic is opening on the town's Stanwell Road)

A trained GP who holds advanced certification from the British Menopause Society - the highest level of menopause training available - Dr Forrester-Paton now works for Aneurin Bevan’s NHS menopause service and, recognising the gap in specialist menopause services locally, set up the Your Menopause Doctor clinic.

“There is a huge need for menopause support and I felt compelled to address this and help people who have not been listened to or who aren’t being taken seriously,” said Dr Forrester-Paton.

"As a professional and a woman, I want a better deal for women.”