YOUNGSTERS at a Penarth primary school have been praised for their positive attitude and support in both work and play.

A team from the Welsh inspection agency Estyn visited St Joseph RC Primary School in July and has just published a report on their findings.

Inspectors described the school as inclusive and caring which supports success for all pupils exceptionally well, and said pupils are “kind, Respectful and supportive". They went on to say that pupils have a positive attitude to learning and supporting each other in work and play.

Headteacher Laura Taylor said: “I am thrilled to share the recent Estyn inspection report for St Joseph’s RC Primary School, Penarth and to take this opportunity to share my gratitude and pride with the entire school community.

“The report recognises the vibrant, nurturing, Catholic community that thrives within our school and a culture that not only empowers our pupils academically but also nurtures their spiritual and personal growth.

“I wish to thank everyone in St Joseph’s family - staff, parents, pupils, governors and the parish community - for their unwavering support, dedication and commitment to our mission.”

The report states that: “The behaviour of pupils in class and around school is exemplary.”

Inspectors also praised staff for providing a knowledge-rich curriculum through a comprehensive range of learning experiences.

The school was praised for its strong team ethos across the faculty and found the governing body to be supportive and well-informed.

Staff there have been described as having a developed positive working relationship with pupils, and showing them care, humour and kindness to pupils allowing confidence to flourish.

Inspectors were very impressed by the school's commitment to offering musical and artistic opportunities through regular performances to audiences in the hall and in the new amphitheatre on the school grounds.

Estyn also made a note of the school's outdoor learning and forest school provisions and the standard of physical development.

The report also recognised the clear child-centred vision for the education and well-being of learners that is rooted deeply in the Catholic faith, as created by the headteacher.

Inspectors ended the report by recommending the school focus on improving writing skills and self-evaluation processes throughout the school, building on the quality of teaching found across the school.