WHEN a man pulled a knife after calling out a woman for a fight, he didn’t expect the eventual outcome.

Jason Howells, 39, called a woman into the street for a fight outside nightclub Kiwis on St Mary Street, Cardiff on September 14, 2023.

When the woman did rise to Howells’ call, he suddenly pulled out a knife and swung it at her head with her stood around one metre away.

The woman waited for the blade to be swung then jumped at Howells and her and a friend began kicking him on the ground.

Eventually, the fight was broken up.

Penarth Times: The fight happened outside Kiwis nightclubThe fight happened outside Kiwis nightclub (Image: Google Maps)

Howells, of Sanquhar Street, Cardiff, pleaded guilty to possessing a knife in a public place at Cardiff Magistrates on November 6.

At the city’s crown court on November 23, Howells was sentenced.

The father of three’s mitigation was early guilty plea and his defence barrister said his client does not usually carry a knife.

Judge, Mr Recorder Hardy concluded that Howells and alcohol “do not mix”.

Howells was sentenced to 18 months in prison suspended for two years.