Cardiff's BID - FOR Cardiff - is the first to appoint a female director.

The executive director, Carolyn Brownell, is now leading FOR Cardiff, making it the first female-led city-wide BID in Wales.

Carolyn has worked with FOR Cardiff since 2017 and has held the executive director post as an interim since March 2023, advocating for equality and safety in the capital.

She's made strides to support all women in Cardiff, from launching support programmes to founding the Women’s Safety Charter.

Ms Brownell said: "Equality and safety for all, but especially women, is one of my highest priorities.

"Cardiff is already a fantastic place to work, live, and play – my mission now is to make sure that all women within the city feel safe and seen, at all times, at all levels."

She also expressed ambitions for Cardiff on the global stage, adding: “We view Cardiff as a modern European capital with a unique personality that we want to nurture."

FOR Cardiff will go to ballot in 2026 for a third term, to continue to improve the city for its businesses and community.