EMPLOYEES at a steelworkers' union have reached a verdict on whether to take industrial action following the results of the ballot on Thursday.

On Thursday, May 9, steelworkers' union, Community, announced the decision to fight job losses and blast furnace closures by their employer, Tata Steel.

Alun Davies, national officer for steel at Community, said: "Today our members delivered their verdict on Tata Steel's job cuts plan, and they have voted to demand a better deal for the workforce.

Penarth Times: The national officer for steel at Community, said: Today our members delivered their verdict on Tata Steel's job cuts plan, and they have voted to demand a better deal for the workforce.The national officer for steel at Community, said: Today our members delivered their verdict on Tata Steel's job cuts plan, and they have voted to demand a better deal for the workforce. (Image: File)

"Community balloted more than 3,000 members across all Tata Steel UK production sites, and more than 85% have voted for industrial action. 

"It should be noted this resounding mandate has been delivered in spite of the company's bullying and unacceptable threats to slash redundancy payments.

"We will now be consulting our members on next steps, and we urge Tata to reconsider their position and get back around the table to head off a major industrial dispute."

Members of union, Unite, took the decision to take strike action in April.