YET another year of resounding success was celebrated at Sully-based Ty Hafan, Wales' hospice for children suffering from life-limiting illnesses, at an open day on Sunday.

A large cake and a visit from Vale AM and Assembly Minister for Children Jane Hutt marked the centre's seventh year of making a huge difference to the lives of youngsters with terminal and debilitating conditions.

No children were present at the hospice on Sunday, and guests at the open day were taken on a tour around the multi-million pound facility.

They were shown how every penny of public money poured into the hospice has been used.

Helen Young, who has worked for the hospice for four years, has the job of co-ordinating Ty Hafan's army of 700 volunteers.

"When I started at Ty Hafan, our target was to raise 1.1 million a year," she explained.

"The annual target is now 2.1 million.

"As the centre's not Government funded, we rely on public donations. But the public are brilliant.

"It's not a chore to get them to donate money. Sometimes I can't believe it when people just ring up and donate 50 out of the blue - just out of sheer generosity."

"But in my job you can't relax," Helen added.

"You need to keep the money rolling in all the time. It's a wonderful job with many rewards.

"What I love about it is going into work and knowing that I'm going to make such a difference."