LLYSWORNEY Gardens in Cowbridge will be opening to the public on Sunday, June 14,

Llysworney is a charming small rural village with church, duck pond children's play area and friendly people.

Four gardens will be open together with St Tydfil's Church which dates back to C13. Wolf House has a walled cottage garden on two levels with a variety of perennials and roses. African summer house offers a quiet place to sit and ponder.

Great House is C16 grade II listed with terraced garden and a variety of trees, shrubs and perennials. Brocton House has a pretty terraced garden and large fruit garden overlooking farmland with a barn and wild flower area.

Sydney House Farm is a wildlife friendly garden in over half acre bordering countryside. The garden is planted to encourage lots of wildlife.

Roger Stead, a local violinist, will be playing live in the tea marquee.

The gardens will be open from 2-6pm. Combined admission of £5 and children are free, there will be homemade teas available.