EXTRACTS from the Penarth Times of August 10, 1979:

Any moves to restrict parking in residential streets around Penarth Town Centre would be bound to have an adverse effect on local traders, South Glamorgan County Council has said.

TW Cox, South Wales manager of the NFU Mutual and Avon Insurance Company, presented GW Nicholson, of Lavernock Road, with a sporting rifle and a portable TV at a dinner to make his retirement after 33 years' service to the company.

Vale mayoress, Cllr Evelyn Lloyd, has been given an assurance that the introduction of the dog warden service will not prohibit people from exercising their dogs in public parks.

A new sergeant recently joined Penarth Police Station after being transferred from Barry. Sgt Clive Evans of Lavernock Road, Penarth is a married man with two children.

A party from the 14th Penarth (All Saints) Scout Group consisting of Scouts, Venture Scouts, Scout Leaders and Venture Scout Leaders, held their annual summer camp last week at Longridge National Scout Boating Centre, Marlow, on the river Thames.