THERE is a flight of 77 wide steps frequently used by the general public leading from Park Road to provide pedestrian access to Alexandra Park, Penarth Station, Seafront, Pier Pavilion and the Town Centre. There is no handrail provided down these steps. As we get older we are less able. To stand at the top of these steps and consider descending them without the aid of a handrail is a daunting experience. The alternative is to walk around the longer route on the hazardous pavements to gain access to the park, station etc.

The publically elected Vale of Glamorgan Council has been requested for at least the last five years to provide a handrail down these steps. The request has been supported by the MP, AM, local councillors and the police, sadly to no avail. Although these steps are adopted by the Highways Department of the Vale Council it maintains it is unable to provide the modest funds to install a handrail down these steps with the explanation that no funds could be provided in each of the past financial years. It has been noted that funds have been made available to provide more expensive projects such as cycle tracks etc which the general public do not seem to want.

The health and safety issue also is very relevant in this situation as these steps are neglected by the council and leaves build up covering the steps. In icy conditions the steps are treacherous. There is a drain at the top of the steps which gets blocked because the council does not clear the leaves and debris from it, so when it rains the water floods down the steps causing more hazardous conditions and has been known to freeze causing an ice flow. There is no handrail to assist the general public and possibly prevent someone falling. Letters and emails sent to the council and the health and safety executive on this subject are usually ignored and rarely get a reply despite their policy to respond within five days.

We also need support to get a handrail. Therefore I fully support Mr Brook with his campaign called #AccessNow to make the UK more accessible for everyone and wish Vitalise success in their mission.

Margaret Granger

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