YOUR disabled correspondent who was turned away from the polling station struck a chord with me.

The inaccessibility of polling stations to the non-car-owning sector of the population should also be addressed.

Our votes had to be cast in the scout hut on the edge of Victoria playing fields.

It has no bus service and is difficult to reach from much of the ward. Rain, such as we had on the day, would have deterred most elderly voters and mothers with children.

Later in the day I found that there was a polling station in Cosmeston Country Park.

One bus an hour, cross a busy road, walk quite a distance across the car park then wait another hour to catch the bus home.

From this point of view it is amazing that the poll even reached 60 per cent.

The obvious place to vote in Penarth is the central library. It is on all the bus routes and has excellent access for the disabled.

If the law decrees that polling stations should be in the wards, perhaps it should be re-examined. Failing that, we should move on to a more modern system.

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