PENARTH Civic Society is currently setting up a functioning Heritage Centre at South Lodge in Windsor Gardens and is looking for public support.

We are looking for photographs of any new buildings that have appeared in the town over the past 20 years that have impacted on the street scene.

Any buildings altered for a new use could be included eg shops that now look completely different from the original and extensions added to existing buildings.

Photographs should be on A4 size sheets together with location and brief description together with date in order to be stored with other material as part of our record of the town's evolution.

It is intended that the Lodge, where archives are currently being sorted, will be open on dates to be announced in the Penarth Times for your exhibits to be received before being put on public display (so name and contact number on the back please).

The more material we receive the more comprehensive the picture of our town so please look around you and see what has changed. Then out with the camera.

Final details will be announced in this paper shortly.

Audrey Poole
