I CAN understand that our MP feels that we should stay in the EU but can we have some honest statements regarding the benefits to us.

We contribute a net £12 billion to be members and any funding received from the EU is only a small return of our money already paid. We have been led down the garden path by Ted Heath when we were told we were simply joining a common trading area not a European Union, Harold Wilson regarding the alleged changes in the last referendum, the supposed changes to the Common Agricultural Policy when Tony Blair gave back some of the rebate negotiated by Maggie Thatcher and the changes now by David Cameron which have yet to be passed by the EU as only the leaders of the members have agreed, not the EU parliament and these offer no real change to the existing status quo.

We have exported more to other countries in the last years than to the EU and imported more goods from the EU than we have sold to them.

So far terrorist action has been restricted to home grown persons and surely an immigration policy controlled by us rather than free movement of any EU citizen should make us more not less secure.

On what basis does Mr Doughty base his increase in jobs and our economy when the EU economy is contracting not expanding.

EU legislation fixes prices on goods and services as proved by our inability to stop the import of cheap steel from China which looks like ending any steel manufacture in Wales.

I have previously voted in the two referendums relying on statements from politicians and this time I think I will simply look at the real facts not the fear element currently emanating from some of the members of Parliament or the Senedd.

Vincent O'Donoghue,

Coleridge Avenue,
