I WAS very pleased to see the letter from Councillor Cox (Penarth Times, March 1), who is in charge of tackling dog poo in Penarth.

I'm glad he liked my letter about picking up dog poo. Everybody is calling me Master Idris now and I like it.

Councillor Cox, I've got good news. I've finally got a puppy and my cousin has one too. My dog is called Zippy and we got him from 'All Creatures Great & Small Rescue Centre'.

My cousin Evan and I are both happy puppy owners practising clearing up poo, even though our puppies can't go out yet. It's ok if you use rubber gloves and a plastic bag.

My cousin and I would be really good at helping you to think of punishments for bad dog owners. Our first two ideas are that bad owners should be made to pick up poo with their bare hands and clean the street with their toothbrush.

We've got lots of other good ideas. Please contact us if you need help thinking up punishments.

You can leave messages for us at mum and dad's shop Rowley's in Glebe Street.

If anybody wants to get a dog there are lots of really nice ones that need new homes. The rescue kennels are full because people have all got less money for feeding them or they are nasty owners. My message this week is please help dog rescue centres.

Master Idris Aydin (and Zippy)